I have been to FIVE different family Christmas's and have one more this Saturday...whew....BRING IT ON! I can't believe how much fun I have had this week! Finally getting to shred into those 'inviting' boxes under the Christmas tree, eat lots of food I've never had before...mmm....food....and hang with all of my AWESOME family that I don't get to see as much as I would like. Here are some great pics of my past week...enjoy!
CHRISTMAS EVE: Great Aunt Susan's
Cousin Ashley, Aunt Sarah, Pappa Frye, Great-Aunt Melissia
Everyone opening presents at Great-Aunt Susan's house.
This is a great toy that Great-Mammy got me...lots of buttons that light up.
I did pretty good opening the gifts. I waited so long for this!
Mommy got the biggest and smallest pan and pot I have ever seen in my whole life!...all 11 months of it!
I really enjoyed the gift I got Daddy. It was a picture of myself!
Mommy accidently got Daddy a 'junior sized' pair of glasses and ear muffs for shooting his gun....but....
We went to Mammy and Pappy's house that same morning and had a quick Christmas with them and then we ALL went to my Great-Grandma Fryer's house...they give great hugs there!
My cousin Shelby is getting so big...we can almost play together. Mommy discovered she got her first tooth today....all she wanted for Christmas was her two front teeth!...and SHE GOT'EM!
This time, Pappa Murphy came over and we played with my new toys. He got me a fun bear that will help me with my alphabet and counting!! The bear stays with me in my crib...mom has had to remove him so I will take my naps. :)
I really enjoyed playing my drums for Pappa...it's about my favorite thing to do these days.
SATURDAY: Aunt Hope's house....starting to come to an end...
Oh, and I tried on Daddy's new boots!
Well....I've got one more Christmas to share with my Grandma and Grandpa Harnsberger and I will be all Christmased out until next year! I have to thank God for ALL of my family. He's so good to me, giving me a big family full of people who love me as much as they do!
Sounds like you guys had a blast! I am glad Christmas is over... too busy for me, although I do love watching the kids/wife open presents.
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